“Keep Calm and Use Homeopathy” to Help with COVID-19’s Lingering Effects

Hello My Patient Patients…I am sending some things along that I feel might help to alleviate stress that still lingers for those of you in particular with compromised immunity and, of course, anyone of us that wonders when COVID-19 will be endemic to our society and not a pandemic any longer. But more to the point: how can we treat the unfortunate lingering effects. This includes mental and emotionally but, of course, physically. As you know holistic medicine’s view is that symptoms are all tied together when we experience illness. Arguably this more so with Homeopathy – where mental, emotional and physical symptoms are all considered equally. This is what makes some of us truly unique and often able to help with improvements that are not only long lasting but also transformative for those we see.

“Patience is a virtue” and, for me, along with doing service honestly and with kindness (that’s 3 more virtues;-) I’m still finding that I need reminders to be patient. My pandemic silver lining was the whole world slowing down so I was forced to slow down too: as a healing practitioner for one this meant that I needed to be patient about my prescribed remedies for patients taking hold and acting. But more generally as a Homeopath this was especially true since I was so eager to start assisting right at the get-go even when no one was calling on me for my services.

Even at the start of the pandemic this terrible sickness had lingering effects for many. I was reading about these within our profession, but also hearing from those of you I crossed paths with…but, as typical for us as Homeopaths I was hearing about the debility experienced after the fact – sometimes after you were sick for several months! I saw it as I had in the past with bad flus and coughs — where there was basically weeks of needless suffering on the part of many of you (you know who you are). In all seriousness, when we got a good remedy for these flu or respiratory hold-overs and we tied up the lingering symptoms…it was always with relief that we said ‘good-bye for now’ and you were able to carry on with your life…so, please keep this in mind as you continue reading.

With generally slowing down I was able to hold tight and wait it out. I found that with patience I could just stay-the-course – like I did when starting off almost 15 years ago – and simply share what Homeopathy could offer and what I did when treating myself, family members, and the few patients that started to trickle in with their symptoms. Also, it was about making sure I could manage the “workload” (once the trickle started to move to a slow but steady flow). This being a part of the slowing down: not over extending myself and this too meant not getting caught up with the (very real) fear and panic that was happening all around me (which I treated as well!). Now that a faster flow is happening in a way I wish that it wasn’t so because it means that COVID-19 is very much still a part of our lives.

Information Share – Holistic and Homeopathic:

Homeopathic treatment can definitely help and with some of you, those that I’ve been working with over the last year quite intensely…we’re making headway. Albeit slowly, but surely! This is with lingering brain fog, exhaustion and other inflammatory and debilitating symptoms being experienced by you and so many the world over. Fortunately the coverage in mainstream media is bringing to light these experiences and with that the isolation of so many silently suffering is being turned around. People are willing to reach out and get help.  

Although I have found that Homeopathic knowledge and treatment have stood me well in my work with COVID-19 a look outside to other Health practitioners is definitely a good thing.

So, here are some pieces that you might be familiar with or not…


Here is another piece that I received just the other day in my inbox. I’m not necessarily endorsing everything they are suggesting (I only get the mailings out of personal interest for my general health reading). I’m simply sending this along for you to have some additional information that you might not already have for consideration.

This is from a private Californian health clinic which specializes in the underlying causes of exhaustion. And I share it because firstly it nicely summarizes the info on the new variants of COVID-19. And secondly because it contextualizes the exhaustion of COVID-19. I believe the more we can place an illness within a context and not lose sight of the fact that in dealing with a contagious pathogen we’re looking at what underlying systems of the whole person are implicated/effected. If we take a fighting stance we will lose with this virus. Most viruses and pathogens are very adaptable to our battle strategies – and especially with COVID-19 it’s hard to outsmart something we know little about. So working with the terrain and getting to root causes is what I believe will be what works.

With the work of this Clinic and other holistic systems such as Homeopathic, Ayurvedic, and Traditional Chinese Medicine it is about supporting the whole system to better initially ward off contagious agents and if once sick to strengthen from within the whole system so as to move through the illness and not have it take hold permanently. Of course, the specific systems/organs affected are to be matched with organ/system approaches and medicines because sometimes before getting to the generally enhancing solution (“Constitutional remedies” in Homeopathy) the specifics need to be addressed (especially if the patient is very depleted and needing support to replenish the specific organ or system that is harmed by a pathogen).

To read the referenced article go the Dr. Lam Coaching (World Wide Nutritional Coaching) and see piece called “A Quick Guide to New Coronavirus Variants”. August 2022

As mentioned already, I’m treating some of you presently with Long COVID and it is a slow and arduous process of healing, but when things start to turn around it’s certainly worth the wait. Any of you reading this that I’ve not seen over the past few years please do contact me if you or your children have issues related to COVID-19. So, don’t just keep me in mind, call me!

Ask on the specifics of what Homeopathy can offer for your individualized situation. This includes the newest Homeopathic Nosodes (immunization protocols for Omicron/called “Homeopathic Prophylaxis”). Note – there are boosts for the Thyroid and other relevant systems/organs to take Homeopathically. Also if there was any adverse reaction after getting a vaccine that you are still living with we certainly can discuss this as well (Homeopathy has a long history of working with this situation, what we call “Vaccinosis”).  

I’m Taking New Patients/Dates for Appointments:

Lastly, I am taking new patients starting right in the middle of October 2022. If you can pass the word to anyone you know of my services.

I’ll naturally work with them for their Post or Long COVID illness, but only once I take them into my practice as a patient (i.e. – with a full “case-intake” and to work with them as I would anyone that sees me as their Homeopath).

Please send them to my Living Homeopathy website and tell them to share with me on you as their referral. If anyone emails me via the website I’ll arrange a complimentary chat on the phone starting October 17th onwards.

I’m away on a vacation mid-September to mid-October, so if YOU have any questions or you want to see me for a “Check-in Appointment” (see on website, service #6) or you’d like to simply speak to me over the phone about yourself or a child please contact me in the upcoming weeks – sooner than later (is “Not Procrastinating” a virtue?).

Thank you for your patience in reading this & I send my best wishes to all of you in these (still) difficult times,


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